Monday, June 18, 2012

The Philosophy of Eating

A friend of mine once asked me what was so special about my diet that makes it so much better than a diet recommended by everyone else. The answer is absolutely nothing. Eating this way has many names: The green face, the warrior, paleo, whole 9, caveman, etc etc. They all have little variations but they are all fundamentally the same thing. Eat natural foods.

The premise is extremely simple. We want to eat meats, veggies, and fruits. We'll get into more detail but this is where it starts. Don't freak out if your current lifestyle is filled with unnatural foods and you have no idea how to make that change. We'll get there. This takes time. As people like to remind me when I'm getting too critical: "Rome wasn't built in a day". It's as true as it is corny.

We know what we are preaching works. Eating this way makes us happy, healthy, and as I'm sure some of you are most concerned: fit. The goal is to get to a place where you are happily eating foods that taste good, make you feel good, keep you looking good naked, and don't get in the way of the things you love to do. I wake up every morning feeling awesome and I want that for everyone else too.

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