Thursday, June 21, 2012

What's in that thing?

Here is a great example of the ingredients that go into some of the foods we eat:

Look at the ingredient lists. The multigrain chips have three times the ingredients the restaurant style has. Wheat, Sugar, Toasted Corn Germ? These are the kinds of things we want to look for so we can stay away. The entire philosophy of this is to eat natural. The more ingredients and chemicals; the less natural a food is. There's a reason meats, veggies, and fruits usually don't have ingredient lists!

Keep this in mind when you're grocery shopping or do a little research on your own now. Look at the ingredient lists for fast food restaurants. They are long and littered with chemicals. Their food has to be filled with preservatives in order to keep them from spoiling during the move from the factory floor to that plastic wrapper.

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